Aha! It is done! My first OFFICIAL Etsy purchase has been made! I have stalked the website for days upon days...looking for inspiration for many different aspects of the wedding. One of the biggest time sucks for me has been searching for a hair piece. In lieu of a veil, I am going to wear a hair flower, and it had to be the perfect one!
Well, my search was over when I came upon Y & E Bridal's Etsy shop! And, they don't just sell hair accessories...they have the whole shebang...ring pillows...garters...you name it! Check out some of the lovelies they have in stock right now...and their prices are very reasonable! (all photos are from Y & E's Etsy shop).

But...I digress. What I wanted to talk about is my hair flower! I could honestly keep shopping for one for days and months on end...but when I saw this one, something registered! Since my dress is ivory lace, the material of this flower should (hopefully) be a perfect compliment! I instantly started drooling on my keyboard in envy. Must...have...hair...flower!
So, without further ado, I clicked "purchase," and my hair piece should be on its way to me shortly! I'll be sure to take pictures of myself once it arrives...the wait is going to kill me! Don't you just love it?
So pretty!! I made my first etsy purchase a few weeks ago - so much fun!