Thursday, October 28, 2010
Making a change...
Official wedding recaps are upon us, and you have all been loyally following me here on this blog. However, in the past few months, Blogger has been giving me a ton of problems. One of these problems includes transferring my Weddingbee posts over. You see, I compose my Weddingbee posts in WordPress...and for some reason Blogger is giving me a heck of a headache when it comes to copying them over...the photos will not load for me. After failing about 20 times at copying my first recap over, I realized that I would have to upload each and every photo again through Blogger to post it here. For those of you who have already gone through the process of wedding recaps, you know how long it takes to compose one post...uploading photos alone takes a LONG time! I just can't do it for two different blogs...there isn't enough time in the day!
So, this is what is going to happen: I will be posting all of my wedding recaps on my NEW blog -
Please please please head over there now and subscribe if you haven't already. I would hate for those of you who have been so amazing and supportive during my wedding planning to not be able to see the final results! And, guess what? My first recap post is up today - so get excited!
Thanks again to all of you for following me on my wedding planning journey - I am excited to share my day with you!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Lovely Tonight: My Last Night as a Miss

We opened up a few bottles of wine, and the guys enjoyed some of the beer that was left over from the beach party that afternoon. We chatted, watched some sort of sports game that was on TV, and just enjoyed everyone's company.
Little by little, our guests trickled out of the suites and back to their rooms to retire for the night. However, sleep was the last thing on my mind. In the week before the wedding, I had been so busy and was trying not to focus too hard on projects. But, by doing so I completely forgot to finish creating Mr. Buttons' wedding day gift! D'oh!!!! Thank goodness that BM A and L were still willing to hang out with me. After a quick change to PJ's, they helped me to cut paper and arrange the photos from my "beach boudoir" session into an album. I also wrapped up my "gag gift" portion of his present: a screen printed shirt that I had made for him. Here...I'll show you - Mr. Buttons proudly wore it the day after our wedding, and everyone was taking photos/laughing at it:
In retrospect, I suppose I didn't really have to have the presents prepared for Mr. Buttons because he never opened them during the time he was getting ready on the day of the wedding! I had them delivered to the beach house where the guys were, but apparently he never saw the gift. Thankfully, someone delivered them to the venue, so I WAS able to give him the presents...but not until after the reception was over!
Anyway, after the presents were wrapped and ready to go, BM A and L retired to their room...and I was alone.
Could I sleep? No, not really. I sat up for an hour or two, going over the timeline of events for the next day. I triple checked our guest list and escort cards and I went over the vows one last time before retiring to my bed. At that point, I attempted to quiet all of the little nagging voices I was hearing in my head in order to get some beauty sleep. However, I was like a kid trying to get to sleep before Christmas...I was just so excited for the next day!
Were you able to sleep the night before your wedding?
Need to catch up?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sorry I've been MIA lately...
Hello everyone! I just wanted to pop in to say 'hello!' I know I've been slightly MIA with my wedding recaps lately, and I promise you that they are coming! However, I do have something pretty for you to look at in the meantime...
Pilster Photography
Our wedding was featured on Elizabeth Anne Designs' blog yesterday. Yes...some of my recaps might be given away with this post. However, I'd love it if you stopped over, took a look, and maybe even left a lovely comment!
Go to the blog post HERE
I hope you are all having a fabulous week!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Lovely Tonight: The Rehearsal Dinner
After a lovely afternoon of sun and fun at our beach party, it was time to get pretty for our rehearsal dinner! I rushed to our hotel to jump in the shower and threw on my dress, and then it was time to head to the hotel lobby to start a caravan for our guests! Remember our rehearsal dinner nightmare? Our OOT bags/info featured directions on how to get to the restaurant. Well, since plans had changed, my mom and dad organized a caravan for our friends and family to get to the NEW rehearsal dinner location. Thankfully, we all arrived in one piece!
Uncle D, Aunt S, and Grandma & Grandpa Buttons
BM K and MOH L had a chat while they waited for dinner to start. MIL Buttons made all of the pretty flower arrangements herself!
Sorority sister J, Sorority sister (my twin) M, my great grand little J, and her boyfriend
Grandma, Aunt J, Cousin J, Aunt S, and Uncle J
BM K and MOH L with their fiances
BM L, BM A, Sorority sister J, and her boyfriend
I had been pretty upset when we first learned about our closed rehearsal dinner restaurant, but our new location was fabulous! It was right on the water, and our guests were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset, along with a few dolphin sightings to boot! The staff at the restaurant were MIRACULOUSLY able to recreate our original menu...I was so amazed! Although it wasn't the enormous Italian feast that we had been expecting at our original location, we were all fed, the food was delicious, and we were all together!
BM L was awesome enough to remember to photograph her appetizer plate...
...and her yummy tiramisu...
We posed for a bunch of photos after dinner was complete; you have to get group shots when your girlfriends are all together for the first time in years!
...with BM L...
...with BM/little sister A and great grand little J...
...posing with our adorable ringbearer...
...all of the ladies together again!
...Justin and I had to take at least one photo together...
A band started playing, and my mom danced with GM J. The other people in the background are random patrons of the restaurant that joined in!
GM J then tried to convince Justin that he had made the wrong choice of who to marry the next day (just kidding...he's married too, for the record), but Justin was having none of it! was back to the hotel for an "after party" to complete our evening!
Need to catch up?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
$50 Nordstrom giftcard winner...
First, thank you to EVERYONE who entered this contest! I had a new record of 208 total entries - holy moly!
Anyway, lets get down to business. The winner is...
THIS LUCKY LADY (yep, you have to click through to her blog to find out)!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Giveaway time! Nordstrom gift card, anyone?
During the wedding planning process, as a bride it is easy to get caught up with putting together YOUR perfect outfit for the day...and your mother's dress can sometimes fall by the wayside. Personally, I found it quite difficult to find dresses for my mom that I even liked at all, and sourcing gowns at different stores was a challenge. However, has a section specifically targeted for Mother of the Brides (and Mother of the Grooms, for that matter)! Just click over to their Mother of the Bride section to browse the options (there are over 2,000!). They feature brands such as Adrianna Papell, Tadashi, and Eileen Fisher.

Now...for the part you've been waiting for: the giveaway! The wonderful folks over at are offering a $50 Nordstrom gift card to one of my lucky readers!
Want to know how to enter? The options are as follows (make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, and MAKE SURE that there is a clear way for me to contact you if you win!):
- Leave a comment and tell me what you would shop for at Nordstrom if you won the giftcard!
- Follow me on this blog, and let me know how you are subscribed!
- Head on over to my NEW blog, She likes ruffles, he likes truffles, and subscribe to my feed! Feel free to say hi as well ;)
- Follow me on Twitter (if you aren't already), and tweet the following:
I'm sorry, but this giveaway is limited to US residents only. The giveaway will be open through Tuesday, October 5th at 11:50PM Eastern time. A winner will then be selected at random!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lovely Tonight: The Beach Party
Now that our mid-morning wedding rehearsal was complete, we had plenty of time to spare before our rehearsal dinner that evening!
Since we had the wonderful beach house at our disposal, my family planned a beach party for the afternoon! And my, oh my, was it a beautiful day!
We invited the bridal party, family, and any out of town friends that wanted to spend some time in the sun. My brother and his girlfriend, along with my Aunt S, Aunt J, and Grandma, had arrived at the house when our rehearsal was taking place, and they set up a wonderful spread for lunch! We had assorted sandwiches, chips, and other well as a bunch of leftovers from the previous night's sunset wedding shower.
Our guests quickly filled their plates with food and grabbed a cold drink...
After we had our fill, it was time to frolic in the sand and surf!
Even the pups got in on the action: Stewart showed off his swimming skills with Cousin J and sorority sister J...
Meanwhile, my beloved Theodore chased his frisbee. He also decided to explore the rest of the beach when our heads were turned...oops!
After some fun in the sun, we retreated to the house to relax (for what seemed like 2.5 seconds) before moving my bags to the hotel, since I was staying there that evening. My mom read a book to our flower girl, and GM J decided to take a nap...right in the middle of the house. I kid you not - he slept on those cushions for about an hour or so, even with about 10 or more people chatting around him! I wish I could learn that trick...
All in all, the beach party was a great success! When we first realized that our rehearsal would have to take place early in the day, I was a bit skeptical of how the day would work out. However, our time schedule couldn't have been more enjoyable! Both my family and Justin's family were able to get together in a casual environment, and I was able to spend time with both my family and my friends who had flown in from out of town to be with us! Plus, a little extra sun kissed glow before the wedding never hurt anybody...
Next up - our rehearsal dinner!
Did you have/are you planning to have some down time with friends and family on the day of your rehearsal?
Need to catch up?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Lovely Tonight: The Rehearsal
So...where did we leave off?
After a wonderful sunset bridal shower, the bridesmaids and I spent the rest of our evening catching up and cleaning up the beach house in preparation for the following afternoon. I was relaxed and having a great time. The clock ticked, and soon it was after 10pm. I logged on to my computer, and it instantly felt like a train had hit me when I pulled up my to-do list.
I hadn't finished writing the vows!
I hadn't made a CD with our ceremony music to play during our rehearsal!
I didn't have a CD player or set of iPod speakers on which to PLAY the music!
AHHH! Weren't these important details? HOW IN THE WORLD HAD I MANAGED TO FORGET ABOUT THIS!?!?
It was going to be a long night...
So...what did I do? I hunkered down at the computer, plugged in my printer, and GOT TO WORK! We tore apart the beach house and discovered a boom box that played CDs in the living room. Whew! Then, I frantically called Justin. He was at his "bachelor party" (yes, I used involved the guys playing Putt-Putt golf and eating dinner. I married a wild one, I tell you!), and his brothers/friends wouldn't let him answer his phone. They figured that I was just calling for mushy gushy talk. WRONG!
Meanwhile, MOH L took the opportunity to put together a ribbon bouquet:
After hitting 'redial' about 10 times, Justin finally returned my call. I am pretty sure that I started speaking so fast that he couldn't understand me, but he ended up getting the message that I needed him to go to the 24 hour drug store ASAP and buy some CDs for me to burn music onto. He delivered them, gave me a kiss (or two), and left me to my work. I crashed into bed somewhere between 12 and 1am.
The morning of the rehearsal, I woke early, jumped in the shower, and gathered up copies of our vows, readings, and the music. My parents picked me up, and we arrived at the venue early to meet with the manager to go over the wedding day schedule one last time. Our DOC Kyle (from Weddings by Eventions) arrived next, and quickly began to organize everyone as they arrived.
Apparently I thought it was time for a mid-morning nap...
Our rehearsal was in the morning due to the fact that another wedding was being held at our venue that evening. However, since the weather was nice and the wedding was taking place outdoors, Chuck (Carlouel's manager) had already instructed the staff to set up the chairs for our ceremony!
Dang. This was all becoming a little bit real. My heart started beating at a rapid rate. I had no idea what I should be doing. Thankfully, Kyle and our officiant Rev. D did!
Now, my wedding was the very first that I have ever been a part of, so I am not sure if this is a typical order of events for a rehearsal...but I thought it was very smart! First, Rev. D gathered the entire wedding party in the spot that we'd be standing for the ceremony. We stood in formation and went through our entire ceremony. As we did this, our flower girl, ring bearer, and their younger brother were able to play...
After the ceremony itself was rehearsed, we practiced the recessional. Then, once we had recessed to the lobby, it was time to practice the processional! Everyone took their places and waited patiently for their turn...
Some were maybe a little LESS patient (i.e. our flower girl and ringbearer). Meanwhile, BM A and L were sporting identical pensive looks...
One of the highlights of the rehearsal was definitely our flower girl and her sprint down the aisle. Look at her hair flying: she was on a mission!
MOH L snapped a photo as she practiced her walk down the aisle.
Once the entire bridal party was up front, it was my turn...
And then, as quickly as it had started, our rehearsal was complete. Now it was time for a big beach party!
Did your rehearsal fly by before your eyes? Did you forget to prepare a few important things before your rehearsal?
Need to catch up?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The state of our union
I thought that I would give you a little "state of our union" address at this keep you updated on how things are going, and to give you some insight regarding married life.
- I know I alluded to it already, but marriage, for us, doesn't feel all that different. And to be honest, I don't think I would want it to be. I absolutely love how comfortable Justin and I are around each other, and if things happened to change drastically after rings were placed on our hands...there'd be a problem.
- I now find myself lost under enormous piles of laundry in amounts that I was not previously accustomed to. That also includes sweaty gym clothes. Ah, love.
- I now have a personal cheerleader for the trials and tribulations in my life, and I have become Justin's biggest cheerleader as well. The mentality of being a "we" and a family has really started to sink in. Justin receiving a bonus at work is not only his personal victory, but a reason for us to celebrate as a couple. When I am frustrated with searching for a new job, he shares the burden with me.
- The two of us are still adjusting to each other. Justin has had to learn to deal with some of my quirks, including the way I like hangers placed in our closet (once something comes off a hanger, it has to be placed in one spot, because I HATE going through the entire rack to find empty hangers when I am doing laundry) or how I can't stand dirty dishes being left out on the counter. And, on the flip side, I have discovered things like the fact that Mr. Buttons isn't a fan of me being on my computer 24/ I try to limit my usage and put it away when he gets home from work.
- It is really comforting, and really quite nice, to wake up next to Justin every morning and to give him a kiss goodnight each evening.
- I find my inner domestic diva coming out to play much more often than in the past. I have tried dozens of new recipes since Justin and I moved into our new apartment 3 months ago, and thankfully he is very open to trying each and every meal that I place in front of him. Bless his heart, he has even been willing to humor me with my strange recipes...including black bean brownies and chocolate cookies made out of cannellini beans (by the way, both of them are very tasty).
- Over the past 3 months, we've started establishing some give-and-take types of routines. For instance, I cook dinner every night, and Justin is in charge of washing the dishes. I do the laundry, and he takes care of our furbaby, Lucia (I am not a fan of picking up poop).
- I've learned that it is absolutely impossible for me to be mad at my husband. If we get into a bit of a disagreement, I find myself immediately trying to work things out, and vice versa. We don't relish the thought of going to bed mad at one another, so we've made a conscious effort of resolution before that time (not that it happens a lot). We do say "I love you" every night before we go to sleep.
- The novelty of calling Justin "my husband" has still not worn off yet. I still find myself trying to insert the phrase when I'm conversing with others.
- We are still very excited about what is to transpire in our lives in the coming months. The two of us are starting to contemplate when, where, and how we will take our honeymoon, since we weren't able to go on one directly after the wedding. We're hoping to relax in a tropical locale at some point before our first anniversary. Ideas have been spinning around in our heads as of late, and I'm excited at the prospect of sharing our experiences with you!
- Three months after our wedding, the day itself is indeed a little bit blurry. Every detail that was incredibly important to me during the planning process has started to blur together a little bit. I feel as though I've been left with an "overall feeling" of the wedding day as time has gone by. And, I'm trying to focus on the big picture rather than hone in on every little detail. The truth of the matter is: even though some small details of the day might have gone awry, in the end I married the love of my life. And that, my friends, is the most important detail of them all.
So, there you have it...the state of our union!
For those of you married ladies out there: have you noticed some quirks about your spouse since you got tied the knot? Have you had some pleasant discoveries regarding married life?
Friday, August 20, 2010
You don't get a "do-over"
However, in the days/weeks after our wedding, I've been going through an incredibly varied range of emotions. For the first couple of weeks after the event, all of our family and friends couldn't stop talking about the day. We reminisced about the fun we all had, and how smoothly everything ran. It was bliss.
Then a few more weeks passed. The online photo gallery became available to us, and the questions and nit-picking started to occur. I was officially depressed.
This is the thing: it doesn't make a lick of sense. We had a wonderful day, overall. The weather was lovely, Justin and I were able to share our wedding day with our family and friends, and the party was a fabulous time. So, why the heck am I upset over it? Here, I'll make you a list of a few things:
- I'm sad that it is all over.
- I'm sad that we don't get to do this again, ever. The planning (and the party) is complete, and you don't get to have a "do-over."
- I wish I would have made a few decisions differently during my planning.
- I wish I would have had more time to enjoy our reception.
- I'm depressed that our first look was only one photo, especially because that was one of the aspects of the day that I was most looking forward to.
- I'm devastated that there aren't photos of my bouquet and the bridesmaids' bouquets: I was so incredibly in love with them, but they didn't get a moment to shine in our photos.
- Was I the most beautiful I've ever been on our wedding day? No. Justin even confirmed this with me: I always thought that he'd say something to our kids like, "on our wedding day, your mother was the most beautiful I've ever seen her." Eh, I guess not (for the record though, Justin said that the most beautiful I've ever been to him was the first day we met...when I had no makeup and dirty hair up in a ponytail. It is cute that he thinks it, but kind of depresses me that I put a lot of time, work, and money into how I looked on the wedding day, and I didn't really feel that it was my best in the end.).
- Even though we will [eventually] go on one, I'm sad that Justin and I still haven't had a honeymoon (actually, we have never been on any vacation together yet...not even a weekend getaway. Nothing).
I think that during the wedding planning process, it is easy to become enraptured with the ideal. You and your fiance will have a stunning wedding and reception, you will head off on an incredibly romantic honeymoon, and then return to newlywed bliss...for eternity. Now, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but if you haven't already guessed, the ideal is not what most people are going to experience. Don't get me wrong; I love Justin, and the life that we have together right now is very happy. VERY happy. However, we definitely feel like we've missed out on a few things.
The most common question I get asked nowadays is "how is married life? Are you loving it?" I never know what to say to them. Married life feels...the same. Justin and I have a similar schedule to before the wedding. Sure, we live together now, but the two of us already had a routine that we were comfortable with. I guess I figured that I would feel a little bit different. And...maybe we will...when we finally get to have a honeymoon in some shape or form (aka spend uninterrupted time together to really enjoy one another). Or, maybe that "newlywed bliss" feeling is just something I will never have. I guess I'll have to check back in with you in a few months to let you know about that...
So, before my recaps officially begin, I just wanted to put these thoughts out on the table. Many Bees before me have talked about post-wedding depression, and I hate to say it...but it is indeed real. You spend months planning a huge, life changing event, and when it is over you can kind of feel lost. During the planning process I KNEW that everything wouldn't turn out perfectly, but it was all hypothetical at that point. Facing the realities of inconvenient timing, missing photos, and other various elements of the day is sobering. It is very difficult to NOT focus on the aspects of your day that aren't how you planned for them.
Anyway, what I am trying to say in the end is: realistically, there is no way that your wedding is going to be perfect down to every single detail. SOMETHING, whether it is small or large, is not going to be the way you envisioned. are going to have to live with it. Like I said before, you don't get to have a "do-over" on your wedding day. For now, I am going to work on focusing on the wonderful memories that Justin and I have of our wedding day, because there ARE many. And, I'm going to get pumped up to share my recaps with you...because like I said, there are many wonderful things about our day that I can't wait to divulge.
Did you experience post-wedding depression? How did you learn to put aside the feelings of resentment for aspects of your day that went awry?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Giveaway - Ring bearer pillow
Thursday, July 29, 2010
What I've been up to...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Enabling your online shopping...

The Bachelorette: A sunset bridal shower